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Jobs in production – a job for you

What jobs in production will suit you?   Screenwriter jobs in production There are several jobs in production that could be ideal for you.  Screenwriters have the responsibility of writing scripts for commercials, TV and film. The script is the most important part....

How to be a Presenter – a Guide for 2024

Confident tv presenters seem to have great jobs. We believe they come across confident and passionate whilst talking in front of the camera. I wonder- are they? We will look at top tips for how to be a presenter and find confidence. We will also look into the phycology of nerves and how it affects us.

Music Production Creativity

Music production dates right back to the 18th century. The barrel organ has many types such as: bamboo organ and chord organ

5 Points on Drone Shooting

How drone shooting from great height has had a big impact on the entertainment industry and our working world