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What does each stage of creative video production entail?

creative video production


Pre Production

This is the first stage of any creative video production and it is important to get it right as it will define how the rest of the production goes. A well organised and efficient pre production stage will help you stay on schedule and avoid further stresses and last minute panic down the line.

  • Finalise your script: Before you start worrying about anything else, make sure you’re happy with your script.
  • Storyboard: Storyboards are not essential for all creative video production, but if you think it could help with the process, this is the stage in which you will create them.
  • Financing and budgeting: If you’ve been commissioned and already have the funding, this is when you’d create a budget breakdown analysing how much money can be spent on each thing. If you don’t already have the funding, this is when you’d search for it, by approaching financiers or applying for funding opportunities.
  • Once you know what kind of budget you’re working with, it’s time to hire your crew. Make sure you start by finding the people you’ll need right away, such as a producer, director or DOP.
  • Then it’s time to hire your cast, so post online, contact some agents or ask around and request some showreels and self-tapes before making a decision.
  • Scout locations: Find the best locations that match both your vision and your budget and make sure you book them in advance and get any permissions necessary for shooting outdoors.
  • Find equipment: Whether you’re hiring crew that already have their own kit, investing in buying some equipment or only renting it, make sure you know exactly what you’ll need. And don’t forget to get insurance!
  • And last but not least, you need to create a detailed and efficient shooting schedule and a shot list. Always keep in mind that certain things, like setting up lighting, can take longer than expected, and make sure everyone gets a decent break at some point in the day.

For a more detailed description of the pre production stage of creative video production you can visit this article with further information and advice on how to plan and manage this time to result in the most efficient and smooth production.

creative video production


This is the stage in your creative video production where you film your video. Since you’ve followed the steps of pre production carefully, this should go smoothly if you follow your schedule and stick to your shot list. Having assembled a great team also helps a lot at this point. So just get there on time (meaning early) and get to work.

  • Set up lights: This one is obvious, if you’re working with artificial lighting it will need to be set up very early in the day as it can take time to perfect. If your actor is not yet available, ask someone to stand in to check the lighting on them.
  • Set up camera: Get any necessary grip set up, select the lens that the DOP will use for the shots on the shot list and make sure everything is working well. All batteries and SD cards should be prepared beforehand.
  • Set up audio: This shouldn’t take long, just make sure whatever microphone you’re using is working and if it’s a radio mic make sure it’s connected to the camera and coming through at a good volume.
  • Shoot the talent / narrative / interview: Go ahead and shoot! Start with the main scene, such as the actors performing, any shots essential to the narrative or the interviews.
  • Shoot B-Roll (If applicable): Depending on what you’re shooting you may require B-Roll, get this while you’re already set up and ready.

For a detailed description of these steps you can visit this article about creative video production.

creative video production

Post Production

This is the final stage of creative video production and it includes the editing process of both video and audio footage.

  • Logging: This is when you go through your footage, label files, organise them into folders, known as bins on editing software, and cut out anything unusable.
  • Assembling: Start assembling the footage into your editing timeline, according to the storyboard or the script.
  • Rough Cut: This is the process of cutting down your huge and messy timeline from all the assembled footage to only the footage you will actually be needing, resulting in your first rough cut.
  • Fine Cut: Take your rough cut and polish it. You need to pay attention to every detail and fix any issues. Keep an eye out for continuity errors, boom shadows and other subtle issues.
  • Final Cut: This step includes colour grading, VFX, motion graphics and closed captioning. For more detail on each of these you can visit the Adobe website.

You can read a more detailed description of the post production stage on our older blog here.

creative video production

And then finally you will move onto distribution of your creative video production, whether that’s submitting it to your client who commissioned the video or submitting the film to festivals.

For any creative video production needs, contact Nostairway today for a chat and a free consultation.