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Videography is a growing occupation. Here’s a few tips.

VideographyThe fundamentals of videography.

As demand for videography grows, we though it would be a good idea to run through some of its fundamental functions to help you if you’re starting out in this field.

Videography can be broken down into its constituent parts. So let’s start at the beginning and work our way through.

The Camera

People often start out in videography having bought a new camera. More likely than not the camera will be a stills camera that also shoots video. These days it’s hard to define a stills camera as they are commonly bought for their videography.

So, you’re about to buy a camera, what should you be looking for? This can be more easily answered by considering the kind of videography you have in mind. Also, the other tips below will influence your decision.

If you are mainly interested in shooting the family for the memories, you should look towards convenience rather than hi-end looks. Many a perfect moment has ended up not being captured because the videographer was busy setting up their camera. Point and shoot is the answer.

There are literally thousands of such cameras to choose from. The first decision to make is Camcorder or DSLR?  In terms of point and shoot, a dedicated camcorder will get you shooting  your loved ones the quickest as it only has to do one job; no switching functions. Consumer camcorders will definitely give you reasonable quality of shot straight out of the box. One thing to consider, though, is that it will only give you video. Some do have a stills function but this is more often than not just taking a frame from the video.


The other thing to consider when thinking of purchasing a dedicated camcorder is, the format they record us usually quite highly compressed. This is because it’s assumed that the footage they take will be viewed as it was shot with no intention of performing a great deal of editing or effects. MP4 formats are fantastic at giving you great quality shots without taking up much space. The down side is that highly compressed video doesn’t edit well as it’s doing a lot of guessing already and if you change the process, that guess work goes out the window. And, of course, the stills you can get from your camcorder are compressed too.

Stills Camera for Videography

You can change the lens with DSLRs

DSLR and Mirrorless Stills Cameras

Sony AX43 Camcorder

You can point and shoot with dedicated camcorders

Perhaps you’d like to hedge your bets and buy a still camera that also does video. As I already mentioned, these days many of these types of cameras are bought for their video capabilities as much as their stills quality.

There are two main advantages to this type of camera for the budding videographer.

  1. They can have a larger sensor to standard consumer camcorders.
  2. They can have interchangeable lens fittings.

Both effect your picture quality. A larger sensor will give you the ability to shoot in lower lighting conditions, it’ll make it easier to get short depth of field effects and generally give you a better quality picture.

The ability to change your lens means you can take full advantage of the larger sensor. All this takes time. Videography is about compromise. Speed and efficiency versus quality and artistic consideration.  If you suddenly see a once in a lifetime incident unfurling before your eyes, you may wish to be carrying a dedicated camcorder with you. If you are more interested in creating videography of a more artistic bent, you may wish to look at a stills type camera.

Here is an example of what can be done with a larger sensor and interchangeable lenses.

If you would like to discuss videography or stills photography, we are happy to chat. We are a video production company in London which can accommodate any project. Get in touch through our contact page HERE or give us a call on 020 3475 8744.


As a video production company uk in London, we often get asked how much it would cost to produce a video ourselves. The truth is, with the right equipment and some know-how, you can save a lot of money by creating your own videos. Of course, there is an initial investment involved in purchasing the necessary equipment.

However, once you have your own set-up, the sky is the limit in terms of what you can create. And if you’re willing to put in the time to learn the ropes, you can start producing high-quality videos that will save you money in the long run. So if you’re looking to create video content on a budget, don’t be afraid to go DIY. With a little effort, you can create professional-grade videos that will help you save money and reach your target audience.