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What Is Post Production in the modern day?

Post Production is everything that comes after you have completed the shooting, or production. To begin, post production usually starts by ingesting all the material that has been recorded. This will be the clips you filmed, the audio you recorded, any bought in clips...

7 hours On Earth – where are they now?

7 hours On Earth – where are they now? 7 Hours On Earth starring Ramona Marquez Rufiat Awolope, Gus Find-Henry, Byron Easmon is a feature film that is based on the play ‘A Midsummer Nights Dream’. Our film has gone on to be nominated several times and has won...

Video Production Services – How Have They Changed

Video production services have evolved. Video Production in London It isn’t surprising that video production services, an industry so linked to technological development, should change just as rapidly as the tech toys associated with it. Video production...

How can I find music for video?

There are lot of issues you may encounter when using music in your video productions. In this article I will try and simplify things for you. I’ll also tell you some of our favourite sites to get music from for our productions. In short, song copyrights create...

Videographers – A Day In The Life

Videographers lead a varied working existence these days. Video Production in London The art of videography is changing. Much is different since the early days of video. 20 years ago, videographers still used tape to record the action and transferred their footage to...